Shop online without reaching for a card or having to type in payment details
AI-driven calculation tool estimates car loan and insurance costs on the basis of a single photo
The safe, convenient and private way to pay with iPhone and Apple Watch
More than four million cards will have this notch by 2025
ING Belgium launches “Switch” which makes you switch energy suppliers or mobile providers via a banking app
ING Belgium, together with the scale-up Minna Technologies, is empowering households to take even more control over their monthly budget in an economy increasingly defined by subscription-based services
ING in Belgium is fully committed to digital innovation
Fourth edition with seven new start-ups
Belgium can do without cash.
CREATIS is being launched in Belgium with ING and KissKissBankBank to create the first Belgian business incubator dedicated to the cultural and creative industries.
As from March 1st ING Fintech Village officially started its activities.